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ISAE Sustainability Report 2021 (e-book)

Edition 17 of ISAE’s Sustainability Report presents the results and maintenance of the Business School’s commitments. The focus of the report is reading in digital media (e-book).

The Challenge

Disseminate in a modern and attractive way the report that values good educational practices, in addition to inform the Institution innovative strategies that allowed it to continue in the midst of a global pandemic.

The Report is also the materialization of the commitment to transparency in relation to stakeholders and the international initiatives to which they are signatories, such as the Global Compact, the Principles for Responsible Executive Education – PRME, United Nations Academic Impact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The Solution

With more digital references and colors (vibrant tones in RGB), as well as inspiration from ESG concepts, circular economy, shared economy, sustainability and reuse were the concepts used to define the visual standard of the report.


– Visual Standard/Graphic Design
– E-book
– Publicity pieces